2021 Blue Care Network Annual Report: Delivering an Affordable and Convenient HMO Experience

Blue Daily

| 2 min read

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A Message From The President And CEO, Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Michigan

"At Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, our mission is to be a trusted partner in health care, providing affordable coverage and innovative programs that help manage health conditions and costs. Blue Care Network helps us meet these goals and contributed significantly to all we achieved in 2021."

A Message From The President And CEO, Blue Care Network

"Looking back on the past few years, we can see how much our lives have changed. Health care has changed dramatically, too. Adapting to the pandemic, primary care providers moved toward more innovative, accessible ways of delivering patient care. Convenience is now of greater importance when considering where to go for care — for you and your employees." Read more from Kathryn Levine

A Message From The Blue Care Network Chairman, Board Of Directors

"Like many Michigan businesses, we continued to address challenges introduced by the pandemic. Despite uncertainty of the times, we maintained a relatively stable business performance in 2021, while holding on to more than 40% of the Michigan HMO market and a membership of more than 830,000." Read more from William Black

A Year In Review: 2021 Highlights

In 2021, we took key actions to deliver value-based and convenient health care for our customers, members and communities. Learn more.

2021 Financial Results

At Blue Care Network, we believe in smarter, better health care ― improving the present and investing in the future. In 2021, we continued to address challenges introduced by the pandemic, while maintaining stable business performance. View the 2021 Blue Care Network Financial Statement.
High-Tech, Low-Stress Plans
MI Blues Perspectives is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, a nonprofit, independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association